Botanical Society of America: Botanical Conference Information

Botanical Society of America

-- Alpine Diversity: Adapted to the Peaks -- July 31-August 5, 2004 -- Snowbird Resort -- Salt Lake City -- Utah--

Student Financial Support

As we work to make Botany 2004 an exceptional Annual Meeting - we offer some ideas to help defray your costs: .

  • Serve as a Student Projectionist
    Students who work up to 10 hours (2-3 sessions) as a projectionist can have their early student registration fees refunded. Experience with 35mm slide, overhead and LCD projectors is desirable, but not necessary. In return for sucessfully serving as a projectionist for all assigned sessions during the meeting, the early student registration fee equivalent will be refunded. Fee waivers are not granted. Student projectionists must register for the meeting and pay the registration fees.

If you are interested in serving as a student projectionist, please fill out the “Application to Serve as a Student Audio-Visual Projectionist," and submit your application by June 26, 2004.

Golden Aspens


Questions about the Meeting program should be directed to the
BSA Meetings Manager:
Johanne Stogran
Botanical Society of America Meetings Office
2813 Blossom Ave
Columbus, OH 43231
Tele: (614) 899-9356
Fax: (614) 895-7866

Or Contact the Program Officers
Or the Conference Plannning Team

Updated September 2004. Copyright © 2003
The Botanical Society of America - 2813 Blossom Avenue, Columbus, OH 43231
Voice: 614-899-9356 - Fax: 614-895-7866 - Email:
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